Amanda Sanchez, Clerk of District Court                                     Clerk of District Court Logo

Amanda R. Sanchez                                 

Fremont County Clerk of District Court
PO Box 370
450 N 2nd Street Rm 230
Lander, WY 82520


Hello, I am Amanda R. Sanchez, I was born and raised in Wyoming I am a wife and a mother of two small boys.  I have dedicated my adult life to serving the general public. I currently am the Clerk of District Court in Fremont County and have been in the legal field for a combination of 17 years.  My journey to where I am today started at Child Support Services of Wyoming.  I spent 13 years dedicated to supporting families across Wyoming, to obtain the goal of financial support for the children and families in Wyoming.  This was a very rewarding job and  gave me a skillset that has been valuable to my current career.  In 2019 I changed my career path to being a Clerk, I spent one year in the Fremont County Clerk of District Court office with Kristi H Green as my mentor.  As fate would have it I changed jobs to move into the Circuit Court Fremont County Lander, where I spent one year as a clerk and moved up to being the Circuit Court Chief Clerk. 

In my years of experience, I have been able to assist the pubic and have their records available them.  I value the legal field, and know how it effects the lives of many families directly or indirectly.  In October 2023 I was able to make a goal of mine come true by being appointed the Clerk of District Court in Fremont County.  I take this job seriously and know that my office is a hub, for people to make filings and ensure that there is a checks and balance in an elaborate Court system. It has been an honor to work with the public, the attorney’s as well as the different Courts from across the State of Wyoming, and I look forward to continuous efforts in working with the public.


Amanda Sanchez